Sunday, April 10, 2011

Berlin Part III: Sachsenhausen

Grace and I were troopers yet again.
We woke up at 8am and had our free breakfast.
We took the tram to Alexanderplatz and the train to FredricksberB and than another to Brandenburgh. We met our tour yet again in front of Starbucks. At this point we were pros getting around the city.

It was €12 to Sachsenhausen (sach-en-house) Concentration Camp which was the last stop on the train. We had to buy the ABC train pass.

First They came...

I feel that I have to write a new post on the camp because it is something that I cannot describe. It still is so unrealistic to me. There was a few points during the tour where I almost got sick because I cannot believe someone could treat a person the way they did. I thought about my Grandpa. He was in World War II, and although he never talks about the bad parts of the war, he did tell me he liberated some camps.

The place barely had any trees growing and there was barbed wire along the edges of the place. The train we took was the exact route that the prisoners would have taken. We walked on foot to the camp.
It was an uneasy feeling to see houses around. I could not imagine living there. There were houses right outside the camp as well. People were outside that day maintaining their lawns. It was uncomfortable.
The camp was something that I cannot describe.
It was a place that I could not walk again. It was too upsetting.

"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist..."

To know that human lives were slaved and starved on the land that I was walking on was unbearable and implausible.
There was not a bone in my body that could imagine how many lives were lost. I still cannot comprehend the Holocaust.

"Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist..."

So, I don't think that I can write anything here, but I have some pictures that don't do justice to anything.

"Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew..."

"Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me".

-Pastor Martin Niemoller

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